Tuesday, July 27, 2010

San Gimignano 23/07/2010

San Gimignano is a medieval village set in the Tuscan landscape. Once centred on a main pilgrimage route in Italy it became very rich from trade. Its 13 distinctively plain towers which are mostly rectangular blocks going straight up, were built by wealthy townsfolk who were really trying to 'out do' each other in building the highest tower. The town has some very old churches and keeps a very distinctive medieval feel to it by not allowing cars within its original outer wall precinct. It was a three minute drive from our "digs" in San Donato. We spent the day wandering around the streets and looking at the many craft shops and wine shops. San Gimignano has a really nice feel to it and yet it does not have all the grand basilica's or monuments. Yet another really hot day and another gelato session!

After a good mornings exploring San Gimignano it was back home to Celano. The end of our road trip. It had been a busy time but we saw plenty of places and had some great times. Driving back up into the mountains of Abruzzo however was nice. Celano may not be on the great tourist map of Italy but it has its own charm that matches that of many of the places we had been. It was good to see the mountains, the town and the castle again!

Kailin's Word: We went to San Gimignano today. This city is really unique, as it has 13 tall towers, that were built for the sole reason to beat the other taller tower. It was full of narrow roads and little shops, and he went to a large church. Inside, it was a little strange as on the floor there were all these graves, so we couldn't step on them. When we left the church, we got the best gelato I'd had so far, and then continued on our way back to Celano.

1 comment:

  1. Well done on completing such a great road trip. I think you'll miss the driving a little Fred.
