Sunday, July 11, 2010

The Greek Temples of Paestum 09/07/2010

Visited the Greek ruins of Paestum today. The most well preserved Greek ruins in Italy outside of Sicily, it comprises of three well preserved Greek temples. The Greeks had many colonies along the Italian coastline.

After the Greeks, the Roman’s built a city around the Temples which survived for many 100’s of years. We had a great time walking around the Roman ruins trying to figure out what the houses would have been like and which ones were shops etc. The temples are still majestic. Some evidence of lovely floor mosaics too. The Museum had an extensive display of Greek pottery.

Kailin's word: We went to the Paestum today; a city of ruins from the Romans and the Greeks. There were huge greek temples, all pillars with no roof. they were amazing. We had a good time going around the low walls, which were Roman, planning out houses and trying to imagine what it would have been like 3000 years ago. we found kitchens, storerooms, furnaces, wells, giant Roman bathes, and we even discovered that they had special ankle-deep basin things (about 4 by 2 metres) that they used to use for storing their rainwater. It was all good fun until Genevieve fell off a wall and cut her leg open. After that we took a few photos, than left to get a gelato. We were only there for a couple of hours, but I think it will be one of the most memorable things on this trip.


  1. Awwwwww~!!!Are you OK Genevieve? I hope you get better soon! by Sarika

  2. Hi Fred, Adri, Kailin and Genevieve,

    It's great to see all your photos and read your stories, makes me feel like I'm there. I tried to post a comment last weekend but it didn't work, so hopefully I'm all signed up now. That certainly is an amazing set of Greek ruins. I loved seeing the Trevi fountain, I threw some coins in that in 2002 and made good wishes for all of you, so it must have worked! lots of love auntie Ro

  3. Amazing ruins! You must have all been tired after that trip. Is that your head down a toilet Genevieve? Fred we can't expand all of the photos, like those of the family above. But well done with your Blog. It's excellent.
