Today we decided with the weather still remaining so good and all, that we should go for a leisurely stroll in the woods although the girls were deep into a badminton game outside. The woods were up behind Trondhiem and are a favourite spot for cross country skiing in the winter. The woods were lovely and green and the ground at times resembled the peat bogs in Ireland. Very soft and mossy. There were heaps of wild flowers in bloom creating a many colours. We came across many kinds of berries and we happened on a large patch of blue berries. Everyone got into picking them so that we could have a blueberry pie for dinner.
When we had stuffed ourselves and collected a great quantity we headed off to a lake for a brisk swim. A relaxing day. After eating out at a Thai restaurant (strange feeling eating Thai in Norway) we headed home for a family soccer game in the nearby school yard and to cook the blueberry pie. The night was finished with a game of Mah Jong! Sigmund and Sarah had recently toured China in their respective musical groups and Sarah brought a Mah Jong set. They hadn’t really figured the rules out so we were able to show them the western version of the game.
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